Morning's Light
Tharin chuckled at the words, looking down at the shattered creature. I suppose it does look rather like one. He hadn't thought of that, just seeing it crawling around and deciding to discover if it was good to eat. Crabs. An odd word. It fit. Why any creature would have two claws coming out of one side and none out of the other was strange for him to think about, settling on the fact that the crab had to be a very ridiculous creature. He smiled crookedly, knowing that it wasn't. It was hard to grab, hard to crack open, and Tharin didn't have a clue how to get at the meat inside.

Titania stood up again, sending Tharin back a few steps, head craning up. She scanned the beach for who knew what, breaking into a run and heading down the shore. Confused he cocked his head, watching her move away. What was she doing? The luperci returned after a moment, rock in hand. Tharin retreated a short distance on her command, waiting to see what she would do. The rock was slammed down, the shell completely shattered. Stepping over he sniffed at it, still unable to access it. Pieces of shell were picked away by Titania, leaving him to be the one to test it out. Carefully he grabbed a piece, swallowing it down. That was very odd. Kinda slimy, salty, fishy all rolled together. Not something he really cared for.

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