Morning's Light
Tharin backed a short distance away from the strange creature, letting the alpha have what she wanted. He didn't care for it, and while it wasn't dangerous in any way, he wasn't going to be eating it again unless he had to. She could have the rest. He watched her pick up a piece with her super long toes, and swallowing it down. Disgust didn't follow though, just a bit of thoughtfulness. He nodded his head, agreeing with that. If food was desperately needed Tharin was sure he could figure out how to crack the crabs open to feed the pack with if necessary. Watching her take a leg and chew on it Tharin stared, wondering what could possibly be so good about it. Tharin could swallow one of those legs down, and it would hardly be a mouthful.

He was surprised that Titania liked it, but assumed it was much like one liking whale, despite how rare that was, more often than not the carcass long since frozen when found. He had to agree that deer was better, though caribou was his own personal favorite. When Titania wondered at what else it could be used for Tharin stared at her with disbelief. They'd already eaten it. What else could it possibly be used for? They couldn't live in it, though perhaps a leg could be used to entertain a pup, and it wouldn't strengthen the pack. There was no other need it could fulfill. Lying down he watched his strange alpha begin dragging the leg through the sand, making marks on it.

Asked about his past Tharin tensed slightly. There was nothing really to hide. He just didn't want to talk about it, as if keeping it secret kept it from becoming real. He had to though. His leader had asked for it. No I'm not. I came from a place where two leggers were myth. We didn't have the variety you have here, mostly flat with long winters, further north. I was a hunter in the pack. Prey got scarce, and I was sent out to find hunting grounds for the pack with Akira. I failed though. We found land, but a bear attacked, and Akira got sick from a wound she received. She died.

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