Strength of will.

OOC here! WC: 200+

Isa’s head snapped up when Hadley burst through the door. She stared at him, wide eyed, as he growled and charged into the room, ordering Shadow to get off of her. She noticed his hackles were raised and she hoped a fight didn’t break out. Shadow did something she hadn’t expected. He pulled his sword out for Hadley to see the metal, threatening him to come closer.

Shadow growled at Hadley as his other arm wrapped around her, moving to stand in front of her. Shadow seemed absolutely evil when he growled, saying he would make it quick and painless. He would try to kill Hadley? Over her dead body. Isa jerked away from Shadow before snarling ferociously at him as she tackled him, attempting to knock him off his feet. There were no other thoughts in her mind except to protect Hadley. She didn’t care what happened to her but she would not allow her oldest friend to hurt the man she loved. Did she mean that? Did she really love him? She wasn’t sure; she just wanted him safe. Isa snarled at Shadowfang, her claws pressed up against his chest, threatening to break the skin and dig into his flesh. You will not touch him! He’s mine! She didn’t even notice she called Hadley hers but she didn’t really care.

If he didn’t back off she would hurt her friend, which she didn’t want to do. Isa would though if she had to. She growled threateningly at him, fire in her eyes as she spoke. You touch him, you die. She wouldn’t really kill Shadow would she? If he killed Hadley she probably would in a blind rage. Isa didn’t want it to come to that though.

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