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Thread Log

Active: 1/3 · Status: Medium

001. blue lips blue veins [j]

002. the woods are lovely, dark and deep

003. breath in and pull the trigger [arch]

004. felt the branches looking at me [arch]

005. build that city on a hill

006. hello teacher, tell me what's my lesson

007. maybe where the roads part

008. then the time for trouble commences [boreas]

009. the icons are whispering to you [boreas]

010. you stand there shaking by your pew [boreas]

011. green leaves are calling to my heart

012. looking for gold in the ground

013. a peddler's smile, a swindler's lie

014. defying gravity

015. where the light gets in

016. you can't have peace without war

017. we prove ourselves

018. a podium built on generations bleeding [p]

019. my heart is just too dark to care

020. this is not a drive by

021. ticking clocks

022. a girl named hope

023. and all the king's men

024. i can feel the color running

025. i'm not saying i'm one for violence

026. but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey

027. was i too pretentious?

028. of grass and splendid evenings

029. tame the ghosts in my head

[Name · plot]


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