[aw] sing to the death rattle

Draugr is by me!

Draugr considered her companion's words, bright lavender eyes clouding with doubt. She thought of herself and Ataxia as equals -- they were playmates and acted as children (well, Salsolian children) ought to act. Artemisia, however, was different -- different in a subtle way, a way Draugr could not quite put into proper thoughts or words. It was nothing the dark-furred Bambino had done, nor was it anything Dra felt deeply and strongly about.

She smiled again, nonetheless, lavender eyes drifting toward to the grass. Just thinking. You're right, I think, she said, cautiously. It's just... she started, frowning, and shook her head. I can't remember whether I am a child or an adult sometimes, I think. The same with everyone else, the hybrid said, frowning. She supposed that was right -- was it just an effect of the transitory period, of becoming an adult. Do you feel like that? she inquired, rather directly. She couldn't help herself -- the young wolfdog was especially curious to find if her age-mate felt this way.

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