Midday, clear skies. 218 words.


Kampala was amazed by what the humans had accomplished during their time on earth. In a way, she thought it was a shame that they had to go. Then again, they likely would not have accepted the Luperci as their brothers in any sense of the word. No, they would have hated them with every ounce of their being. Kam knew very little of their history, but from looking through photo books back home, she had realized rather quickly that they were not kind. Their intolerance for differences was astounding to the young Minnesotan, who had always tried so hard to be nice and understanding, no matter who she was talking to.

In her Optime form with a single rucksack slung over her shoulder, she walked down a lonely street in a town she had been told was Amherst, she struggled to imagine what it was like when the humans had been here. What had they been doing? Were they talking to one another? Were they holed up in their houses reading and writing books? She longed to enter the houses where they had once lived, but she knew that doing so was a dangerous risk. Instead, she merely peeked into the windows of an old shop, attempting to see if there was anything of value hidden inside.


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