[AW] Noise, Noise, Noise.
So he was in Nova Scotia after all. A sense of overwhelming emotion flowed through him and tears sprang to his eyes as his breath caught in his throat. He couldn't have said exactly why he was on the verge of crying but there was no mistaking the feeling. Perhaps it was because he had finally reached his destination and his journey across the continent was over. He had made it all the way from the port in Bridgetown to the cold north. He had accomplished what he came to the west to do.

He took in a deep breath to clear his head and bring himself back to the moment. He was shaking slightly even as he tried to calm himself down. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants so that the other man wouldn’t see. He was ashamed of the rush of emotion that he hadn’t been able to quell yet still a bright, beaming smile was upon his lips.

The pack will be about... South-east from here... Ignatius pushed his emotions aside to focus on his next goal, finding New Dawn. He turned his gaze in the direction indicated, mapping out the route in his head even as he listened to the next words. He looked over at the man after he gave his offer and did not hesitate in his reply. “That sounds great. It’s nice to have someone to talk to besides myself.” He chuckled and wagged his tail happily. “It’s Ignatius, by the way, my name. In case you were wondering.” He shrugged his shoulders and continued to smile, even as he was feeling awkward at his fumbled introduction.

After he spoke, Iggy turned toward Pippa to hide his embarrassment. He made a soft click with his mouth before he spoke to the mare. “C’mon Pip.” He pulled gently on the lead he held in his hands to get her going. His ears flicked, amused, as she protested in low speak. But she was moving even as she complained. “We’re almost there, a few more hours and you’ll get all the food, water, and rest you could ever want.” The years of travel had made them both weary and even Ignatius' wandering spirit was feeling anxious for their next stop.

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