m-To Catch a Thief
The yelp that came from the captive was sweet music to her ears. It seemed she'd already managed to hurt him, knocking the air away. His confusion was evident, the sweet creature that had been soaking in the water turned into a ferocious beast. His eyes were wide with that fear she so loved to see, a pleased growl coming up as his tail tucked into his body, becoming smaller, more submissive. It was clear he wasn't a threat, but Amy wasn't dealing with someone she viewed as a threat. No, she was dealing with a very annoying pest. There were ways to deal with such things, now she just had to choose which method she cared to use.

The rushed promise brought a smile from the angry female, teeth flashing as she snapped at the air above his head. His promises were useless, working in a trade that required lies. His fear was genuine, but Amy didn't care. Even if he truly would never bother her again, he wouldn't escape punishment so easily. Not so fast, little one. Her words were almost cooed as a hand slammed into his shoulder, claws digging in lightly as she held him down, pushing into the ground. Did you really think you could get away with just an apology? You almost left a helpless female without her clothes after all. Doesn't that deserve a punishment? A claw was drawn teasingly down his face, threatening to tear through, draw the blood she wanted to see so much.

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