Medical Advice is the Best Thing to Get
OOC: Wow, this post 430 words. How did I manage that? O.o

IC: She gave a rather audible sigh of relieve at hearing that she wasn’t the only expecting mother to be unready. "That's good. If any pups I have will be like me as a child, I'm going to have my hands full. I have to wonder how my adoptive mother could stand me and my younger siblings, who were her pups. I was rather rambunctious and very independent." Not that that hadn't changed but she had mellowed considerably as she got older.

Panda explained more about how they could kill the pups while they were still in her and Ayasha's eyes a lit with no amount of horror and her hand went protectively to where her pups were growing. How could anyone do those things to their pups?" Her eyes were sad thinking about how someone would be driven to kill their own pups like that and then they hardened with resolve. "I'd never do that."

What Panda explained about Naniko made sense and Ayasha nodded thoughtfully. She supposed that it would make sense that women that had more than one litter would have a better idea of what to expect than someone who only had one. "I'll think about it." And Panda also offered to let Liam talk to Venom, who was special to Panda but she wasn’t sure if they were mates or not. Not that she really cared. But she nodded at that as well. "I'll talk to him. He might decide that he doesn’t need help or advice." Her loverboy could be so stubborn, but then so could she. At assurances that Ayasha would be OK and that Panda would make sure of it, she gave the black and white female a grin and said, "I know you will."

Then another person approached and Ayasha looked up to see a male come into the room, apparently having just woken up. He talked to Panda a bit and Ayasha grinned in amusement at their exchanges. She was then introduced to him. So this was Venom. His words surprised her and she gave a look of confusion but said, "Thank you?" So her thanks came out as a question but how did he know, if he indeed did. They then apparently were going to have lunch and invited Ayasha to join them. She considered it for a moment and nodded. "Sure, if you don't mind." She and Panda could maybe talk a bit more, like if she needed to eat anything special and maybe if there were any herbs or spices that would help with some of her symptoms.

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