under the northern star.

Just out of reach

It was question after question with the strange looking female. She practically grilled Kiara, trying to get her to talk about the incident that left her with even more scars than before. The arctic female shook her head and stared at her paws. "I don't know why they would hurt me, and fighting... fighting was useless. I'm a hunter, I don't know how to fight against others." Kiara could chase down rabbits and fish, or kill a bison skillfully with a pack. But killing prey and fighting against canines were completely different stories. Canines, especially the luperci, had different weaknesses. They moved differently from prey and weren't always sick like prey.

The other's words made Kiara look up suddenly, her mouth hung open as she tried to wrap her mind around what was being said. Not only was the other siding with her, a perfect stranger, but also the black wolf offered to teach her how to fight. What was Kiara supposed to say to that? It was a dream come true, but at the same time the prospect was frightening. On top of her fear was the fact that the arctic wolf was injured. She didn't want to stress her shoulder more than she had too.

As the young mother debated whether or not she should take the shadow wolf up on her offer, the other grabbed her knives and walked away. Without really knowing why, Kiara followed the other at a distance. Her movements were cautious and her body was alert for any signs of trouble. However, they didn't come and soon the other was in her lupus form. Kiara sat down at the edge of the clearing and waited. What would she learn?

The black female didn't disappoint in her lesson. It was grueling and tough, but by the end of the day Kiara had learned invaluable fighting tactics. To show for her struggle, Kiara received another necklace and her wound had reopened. Even so, the young mother was glad that the fates had been so kind to her. Kiara had learned how to defend her family and a new fire burned in Kiara's eyes.

WC: 357

template by revo, modifications by Bria. <3


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