[M] Watch what happens when I lose control
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Three legs stood firmly upon the ground, the silver male looked at the mouth of the cavern. The tripod monster looked into the mouth as he lowered his head and walked into it. The male did not care if he ran into a ghost, it was a part of the pack that no one would think twice to look for the one member in the pack that was lost in this lifetime as he was. He hated how he hated everything about everyone, however he knew that by being this way, he would not have to subject himself to the pain of finding someone he loved and then having them walk away, it had happened to him to many times and after the last go around, of him trying to find Rendall but running into one of Jace’s kids. Yes he understood why the punishment happened. Though no one ever really bother to figure out why he had went to the pack that he had left like he had. No one ever thought to question the motives of a man with a broken hearted monster. He knew no one could ever love him. He knew that really he was worthless, worthless as a pack member, worthless as a son(thanks to his mom for pointing that out), worthless as a lover, he was just plain worthless. The male sighed as he walked further into the the caverns.

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