[p] born on snake hill

Actually I could see me some IthielCass too. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES. 8|

Family was obligation. Obligation to love, to trust, to protect, to believe in. Ithiel was probably family. He was of Inferni, had plentiful blood-relations there, and he was young. The chances they shared some ancestry were good. But he was a stranger, too, if one that appeared earnest and sincere. Cassandra was accustomed to lying, to telling tall tales, and of not intending to ever stay for long. Personal details rarely mattered. She had adapted to the life of a ghost, and it was disquieting being confronted with other possibilities. The lonely grew to prefer loneliness.

They walked and she was quiet for some moments, thinking. She doubted Ezekiel would turn her away after asking her to come, even if she was not commited to staying, or anything else. She was here to see for herself, to learn to observe, to satisfy the quest she had embarked on years ago, little more. She had no reason to stay. (Family was a reason; Myrika was a reason, but these were nebulous things that she did not know or trust. They were all strangers, even her sister.) But she had no where else to go, or to be, either. Even true ghosts had their graves.

"I have never been a part of a pack," Cassandra said eventually. "I'm not sure yet I want that to change." The night was quiet; she felt exposed somehow, walking alongside the stallion, whose heavy steps parted and crushed the grass with no subtlety. "Did you know you had so much family in Inferni before you came?"


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