Running in Circles.

Word Count → 407 :: Rawrr;3

Was she blushing? That was silly it was simply that the male had talked about the cats. No reasoning for any of that here. She dropped Oro gently on all his fours and dusted her hands off for no reason really as she looked back at him, batting her large gold eyes. "Gracias Senor," catching herself in the act of spanish she corrected herself and added, "I mean thank you sir. We'll get out of your way and let you go on with life."

At their feet Charm gave a dramatic yawn to signify he needed to rest and let Oro tackle him to the ground with all the kitten's weight while Azul fretted about mewing something that probably said for Oro to behave. Whatever the matter the fox just laid his head down and took the beating Oro gave as he beat his paw along the large ears and crawled back and forth over his body. Amelia, noticing the events taken place below, began to laugh and clap her hands for the trio's attention.

"!Amigos! We must get out of the way of the Senor's way, si?" Charm grumbled a bit sitting up so Oro slid off his back and tumbled down into his sister. Azul let out a pathetic little cry and ran back towards Amelia's feet trying to get picked up. The female slowly bent to pick her up and looked back at Rivers, her eyes still flirting but her smile much less hinting. "Lead the way to the border, sir?"

Mexican Rose Clipart Added by Me. Table code from the Mentors!

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