[J] you can't lose something you never had
I'll just assume Eris filled Thanos in on everything. I added the last part as a canon thing, since it is important to his character. We can cap it here regardless. :3 [html]

There was a hanging moment of suspense where Athanasios wasn't sure whether or not he would be welcomed into the fold, but when the woman finally spoke he let out a steady sigh of relief. "Thank you very much. I will be sure to prove you will not regret the decision." He flashed the sable woman the same benevolent smile he usually donned, the one that calmed himself as well as others. "You may call me Thanos, if you so wish," he told her, then looked to the other woman, identified as Eris now. The monk allowed the more submissive wolf to take the gifts from his possesion, giving her the soft smile as well. "Τηρούνται Eris," he nodded to her, waiting eagerly for her to lead the way.

It wasn't Greece by any means, but Thanos would come to adjust nicely. He was given a general overview of ranks and rules, along with some food to welcome him in. However, when Thanos found his place of sleep, which was up in a tree like the one in the field, he finally sat down to do his nighttime meditation ritual. What was different this time though, was the ritual of taking off his necklace, the Mala he used to pray with, holding it in his hand and praying for the loved ones of the deceased that were mentioned earlier. It was for respect and sorrow he did this. He finally came to realize that the man who died was Artemisia's father — making Eris her mother. It seemed sad, but foriegn to Thanos, as he had never encountered a biologically related family. The only ones he knew were the Brotherly kind he had embraced. It was a source of intrigue and fear, but for unknown reasons. He would meditate on that tomorrow.


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