Waking up with the D[aw]n

Kinda rambling ><

Another appeared from the trees and Ignatius returned her greeting cordially. “Good morning.” He bowed his head politely, with almost as much respect as he had for the alpha. He knew where he stood on the totem pole and that was at the very bottom, even lower than the omega. They had no reason to trust him and he was not their blood, not their family. But that was the life he had chosen and he was not resentful for it.

So these wolves choose to live in the old ways, like wolves did before the virus that turned them into walkers with two legs. Even before the infection his ancestors lived differently than the wild wolves. They depended on the humans for everything and once the infection had taken over they had found it difficult to survive without shifting. That the humans had been driven to extinction by the same virus that gave the canines their two-legged qualities was irony at its best.

He had forgotten to give his name? It was a lucky thing the alpha didn’t chase him off right then for his foolish mistake. He was just giving the pack a reason to distrust them. He gave Zalen a charming smile as he tried to rectify his mistake. “Oh, how rude of me! I’m Ignatius.” Pippa snorted behind him and gave him a gentle push with her nose. He grabbed her muzzle and gently stroked it to soothe her. “And this is Pippa.”

With the matter of his name addressed and his rudeness hopefully forgiven he continued. “I can entertain in many ways but it sounds as if you would be most interested in the ways that do not require hands.” He held up his hands in front of him and grinned. “If that’s the case then I can offer you my stories and my songs.” He had noted that even though the alpha was in his optime form, he favored walking on all four of his legs, more like an oversized wolf than a human. The female seemed also seemed to be most comfortable on four legs, in her lupus form.

“If it would make the members of your pack more comfortable I would be happy to spend my time here in my lupus form. I can keep my cart and horse away from your main gathering areas, though I would like it to at least be within pack territory. I have many things I do not wish to have stolen. As I said, I am here to bring joy to your pack, not make them feel uncomfortable. I will follow your customs as best I can.”

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