Gift of Wings

WC: 376

Dalgina's excitement and the sound of Tehu's cheeping brought happy memories to the forefront of Hotaru's mind. As they walked, she replayed her first birthday in her mind. That day was crystal clear in her mind. Fawkes had been a gift from her uncle, a sort of special present that only she received. The red-tailed hawk was just a chick at the time, but the bond that they had formed would last a lifetime. His small body had fit in the palm of her hand and he had cried incessantly. She had been his caretaker, his mother. She had raised him, helped him learn how to hunt, witnessed his first flight, and taught him how the wolf's language. He in turn had become her dearest friend and taught her how to communicate with the hawks.

Hotaru wanted to shake Fawkes off her shoulder, he was being rude and his attitude was starting to bug her. But shaking him off meant disturbing the chick, something the older wolf wanted to avoid. The chick was frightened enough as is, and she didn't want to scare the poor thing to death. Instead, Hotaru focused on Dalgina's question, the horror evident in her voice. As luperci, eating eggs was not uncommon and the puppy was sure to have had some before. Learning that eggs hosted baby birds was most likely a big shock. "Yes, birds come from eggs. However, you needn't worry little one. Some eggs are for eating, while others are to be cherished and cared for." As Hotaru spoke, she stopped walking and carefully bent down to one knee. Her hands slowly reached into her bag to take out the golden egg. It was wrapped carefully is furs, but the blind wolf managed to unwrap the egg without too much trouble. "Inside this egg is a growing chick. Unlike chicken eggs, this one will produce a powerful bird. Eggs like this, we should not eat."

When they were ready, Hotaru carefully put her egg back into the bag and set off again. They still had a long way to travel. It would take them the rest of the day to reach d'Arte, but if the wolves were lucky they would be safely inside the pack lands before dusk.

Table by Bria

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