When you return, go to the sea
Aylu had yet again ventured from d'Arte and his duties. He was in need of something interesting, something or someone to take his mind off of Terra. He was done with her. Every time she was around he felt like he was loosing more and more of himself to the wild woman who always seemed to disappear when he felt he was getting closer. He had taken the two day trip back to Halifax, this time bring nothing more then a small satchel with his drawing and art supplies and his two best daggers, the one found on Shiloh's body and one he had found in a shop.

He had been walking for a while, letting his mind wander when he smelled the brine of the ocean. He walked idly along the docks for a while, the breeze ruffling his fur, the soft crash of the waves soothing his lonely heart. He walked to the end of the dock and turned as the wind picked up and thunder crashed in the distance. The waves were getting choppy and he pulled his robes against him, pulling up the hood of a cloak he had made himself from some of the ox fur he had kept. He was about to walk back when something on the dock caught his eye. A black wolf sat on the edge of the dock, the waves lapping at its fur as the ocean got rougher. He was worried about the wolves safety. "HEY!!! ITS NOT TO BE OUT THERE!!!" he yelled as he started to run down the docks towards the wolf. Was there something wrong?

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