When you return, go to the sea
No prob Smile [WC: 409 || Points: 3]

Despite the fact that she offered his robes back to him, Aylu refused. ”You sure?” Rio didn’t want this stranger’s clothes, and her fur was getting dryer by the minute. ”Mister, I don’t want your clothes. Thank you for giving them to me, but they belong to you.” She held them out to him again, this time dropping them in his lap, while looking at him for the first time. She felt bad, ”I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but you don’t need to change your ways because you feel bad for me. I’ll be fine.” Rio got up off of the couch and circled around him to a mirror. She gazed in the mirror, looking at her scruffy fur from the wind and rain, and attempted to fix what she could of her hair. At least when she was done, it didn’t look so crazy.

Rio returned to the couch and sat down, instead of laid, and was just in time to hear the monk’s whispers. She blinked at him; she didn’t remember saying anything about ever being hurt – was he a mind reader? Luckily, he went on about life so Rio didn’t really have to say anything to his first, creepy statement. She looked away from his direction and looked at the hands in her lap, ”Yeah, I feel you on that. I’ll find my way soon enough.” She looked up at him when she said the last few words, nodding. Pups always questioned life until they actually grew up and found their way. She wasn’t sure if she had ever questioned anything as a pup, but whatever happened then made her who she was now, and she was happy how it shaped her. She was happy with herself, but not so happy with her situation.

She fiddled with a string on the couch probably from some kind of animal tearing at it before. ”What else can you tell me about yourself?” She really didn’t know what to say to him. He wasn’t leading them in any specific direction with his spiritual monk crap, and she really didn’t know what to say to him after. Why not get to know each other? They were stuck there for a while anyway. Maybe he would turn out to be a different person than the one he seemed to be. The shell that wolves put up to protect themselves was always the complete opposite of how they really were.

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