When you return, go to the sea
OCC: Sorry for the wait -____-

Aylu looked at the pieces of cloth she dropped in his lap. Her comments bothered him. "It wasn't about feeling bad for you. I was just trying to be nice. Thank you anyways,' he said standing and putting back on his robes. He watched her go to the mirror and came up behind her. The urge to hold her was strong as she tried to smooth down her fur. "You look beautiful Rio," he whispered softly before patting her shoulder and going to sit back down.

Aylu's tail wagged softly. Tell her something about himself. "I have a loyal companion by the name of Cilantro. He is a Canadian hawk. I.. am not used to talking to females. Um... what can you tell me about yourself?" he asked with a small smile. Was she always so stand offish and stoic? He hoped to get to know her better. He was tired of going home alone

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