In this religious hour...


Word Count → 347 || Points → 3

She endured a few more minutes of the owl’s wrath, which felt like hours actually. She heard the door groan open, and figured it must be the owl’s owner. The pecking and clawing stopped, and then she heard a kind voice. She slowly looked up, still in defense-mode, to see a dark colored male before her, and no owl. She rose up out of her pitiful position, and turned to face whoever this was. She was embarrassed that someone actually had to come and save her, but at the same time she was grateful. ”Thank you… Shadow.”

It took her a few seconds to register his name, and she said it with a small delayed reaction. She envied the cloak her wore, as he was probably very dry underneath. Her fur was soaked, and she was a little cold with shivers taking control of her muscles every few seconds. She tried to stop it, trying to be modest and not show the stranger she was weak, and girly if anything else. She circled around Shadow, and went to sit on one of the dusty pews. The seat was dry, and it felt warm to her wet rump. ”What are you doing out in weather like this?” As she thought about his question, she paid attention to the stinging on her back. She reached back to touch it, but didn’t feel any blood, so she figured they had to be just scratches. She would have Caprica look at them when she was back.

”Oh, how rude of me! My name’s Rio- thanks for saving me.” As she said it, the owl came flapping back in, but it stayed on a high perch and picked at its feathers. Rio kept a close eye on it, but the owl didn’t seem to be interested in her anymore. ”Is that your owl?” She was a bit skeptical. It could’ve been his owl that he sent to attack her, and then it would give him a reason to talk to her. It was a pretty bad plan, but it worked so far.


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