New Lands, New Faces [J]
It had been a while since Biff had really run into anyone of significance, but he couldn't help but feel optimistic about his new direction in life. He had left Vedauwoo, which was located far to the south in a place which was once known as Wyoming, many months ago and had gone north in search for a purpose. Why north, thought? Why not east, out onto the plains, or westward to the coast? North was cold and potentially dangerous, so why in that direction? It was a leading, of some sort, which he had felt and it could only be described as being something instinctual. It could not be explained and there was no plausible logic behind it, all that the coyote knew was that north was where he had to head.

Not too long ago he had stumbled across a group whom he stayed a week with to recuperate and gather his strength up again, and they pointed him off in this direction and gave him a name: Casa di Cavalieri. Biff did not know what that meant, but the strangers kindly told him that it was one of the safer packs in the region and that he should look into them if he planned on staying for longer than a year. One of them had mentioned a pack full of coyotes, like himself, but Biff did not really feel a strong urge to join a group of individuals that sounded as conceited as they; for some reason it just did not strike him to seek that pack out; but Casa di Cavalieri had somehow hit a note within his soul and it almost beckoned to him.

Stepping carefully, Biff finally came to a stop. He could smell the presence of others and knew that he was trespassing onto someone's owned land, and the coyote did not want to go too deep as to cause alarm or alert. Biff instead stood where he was, heaving a deep and nervous sigh. He was a smaller fellow, not too dreadfully tall for either his race or wolves, and where he stood he was in his optimus form. Almost always was the coyote in the optimus form, and it could be seen why, too. Over his chest was slung a satchel, on his hands and feet were glove-like leather covers, and in his left hand he held a small black case which housed what could only be a violin. All of these things would be impossible or ridiculously difficult to cart around in any other form, and so that left Biff to wander the world as a biped.

It did not bother him too much, though. Sometimes he wished he hadn't grown so attached to the musical instrument and the books (which he could not read, anyway) that he toted in his satchel, but he felt that by walking on two legs the world would come at him slower and he would have more time to enjoy it, and more time to think.

With another sigh, this time with relief mixed in there, the coyote set his black case down and removed his satchel, also placing it on the ground. He wanted to sit, as he had been traveling all that day, but he decided against it. Biff did not want to seem like a careless fellow when whoever-it-was that would meet him did so.

With a few huffs of air, Biff filled his lungs and raised his nose to the sky. He let out a series of sharp, yappy-barking howls that could easily be described as very annoying and anything but elegant. Really it sounded more like some creature getting beat over the head repetitively with a blunt object, but such was the way of Biff the coyote. With luck, someone would show up and meet him (presumably a member of this Casa di Cavalieri), and with even more luck, they would not want to smash his face in to make sure that dreadful sound was never heard in the area again.

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