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The choking hand was drawn out to her relief. Terra took in a gasp of air, grateful for that. The taste of blood ran down her throat. Tears had formed in her eyes from the strain, watering as she struggled. The freed hand was taken and pinned once more, leaving her just as trapped as she had been before she'd bitten him. What was she supposed to do now? A yipping howl of fear fled from her, the mixed blood clear in her voice. It wasn't smooth enough for a coyote's call, too short for a wolf's.

The snarled words were met with her own growl, trying to appear tougher than she truly was. It was clear who had the upper hand, but she couldn't stop fighting. Jaws closed around her throat, choking off her air. Terra would have submitted then, but her need to breath kept her fighting. She didn't want to die! True, it was better than being trapped, but the need to live burned bright within her. Terra's struggles gradually grew weaker and weaker before she fell still, passed out from the lack of air, the bite only stopped from piercing by the collar she wore, broken under the strength of the bite.

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