Stories in the Moonlight

OOC: Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in. WC: 400

Ciara was truly and surely depressed. She had been keeping to herself for the past two weeks, avoiding her packmates and choosing to stay close to the borders, scouting and defending as was her job. Her reasoning for being upset was complicated and hard to determine. She knew that Augustus had something to do with it. Even though the two had mated, they weren’t close. She’d barely seen hide or hair of her salt-and-pepper mate except for when they curled around each other in the den at night. When the pack was called together there would be the occasional nuzzle or happy whine against her ear, the subtle return of the affections she gave. But they never talked, not really.

It pained her that she felt so distant from him when they were supposed to be so close. So she ran and ran to clear her mind, worked hard to keep herself busy, waiting and waiting for him to open up and tell her what was bothering him. She couldn’t tell if it was because he was unsatisfied with her as a mate, frustrated because they had not physically mated yet, or angry with himself for some reason. Her sides heaved as she sighed, picking her way back through the lands towards the den. She definitely needed a distraction this evening, before the thoughts, and insecurities put her into an inescapable rut.

When she got closer to the den she recognized the scent of a strange canine and snarled lowly, breaking into a full-out run. He was close to the den, where Sky’s puppies, the young ones she’d only seen in passing, would be. Her teeth gnashed as she thought of this stranger harming them, paws digging into the ground to send her propelling into the clearing. Then her claws dug in to stop her onslaught. She skidded, managing to stop in a crouch a few feet outside of the circle of her pack-mates. Upon the sight of Titania, she instantly relaxed. She stood and shook her fur out, licking at her lips before moving over to lick beneath her Alphess’ chin in greeting, letting a happy whine spill forth. Everything seemed to be alright. The atmosphere was calm, and she could tell her pack-mates were anticipating something.

Whatever it was might prove to be the distraction she was looking for.

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