Stories in the Moonlight
So much better than my version. Tempted to rave about it XD

A mild scent of fear rose from the dog, surrounded by the pack of wolves. The pack's strength washed over Tharin. They could tear him apart easily, but there was no need. They were here for another reason. They would listen to his story. The words of the young alpha brought a smile from Tharin, one that he quickly tucked away. Adonia was there, a fact that he ignored as the story began to rise up. The struggles of those old wolves beat within his heart, living on in his veins. As Ignatius spoke he found himself back there, among the wolves as they worked to find their song.

There was so much of the world through there, so many that already had a voice. Tharin's heart ached with each failed attempt, silent with no way to cry his pain. The last wolf, alone, rising up the mountains rose his hopes. Perhaps this time they would find something. When the moon granted the howl, his tail went crazy wagging behind him. That was right. The moon was their friend. To be gifted the howl felt amazing. His tail was wild behind him as the story ended, voice raising in a howl. Tharin lifted his head back, his own deep voice mingling with the others. Power, longing, joy, and triumph all sang through there. This was what he'd been searching for. Those to be with, to call with.

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