[p] sleeping in the sand
[/html]Wraith flashed Ithiel an amused grin when he commented that her shot was powerful at least. Sure, but it hadn’t hit the target, she’d managed to injure herself, and had overshot by a few metres. But hey, at least she knew she could make the arrow go somewhere, right? Even though she didn’t think it was that big of an accomplishment, Ithiel didn’t seem too put off by it. After all, she was only just beginning to learn, so she figured she couldn’t master it right away (even if that was exactly what she wanted to do).

Wraith followed Ithiel’s gaze as he began to search for another arrow. She turned around to see him watching Col, who didn’t seem to be doing very much at the moment. When Ithiel issued his order, Wraith nodded obediently and walked over to where Col was to watch him as obtrusively as possible.

“What?” he asked.

Wraith shrugged and then replied, “don’t shoot any arrows. Ithiel’s going to go get the ones down there.” She gestured over to the course with her right arm, leaving her left arm holding her bow, dangling at her side. Col scoffed and said something about not being stupid, but Wraith just gave him a level glare. Obviously, she didn’t agree. He was stupid.

Wraith rolled her eyes and then looked over to where Ithiel was wandering.

“Didja find anymore?” she asked once it looked like he was walking toward them.[html]

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