then the time of trouble commences

Zeke won't be doing anything, so if you guys want to post again skip over him. Otherwise I'll close this in a few days.

What peculiar creatures here lived, Siv thought. Their leader had spoken and yet each voice followed in turn, as if this was somehow their right. She would never have seen such a thing amongst wolves, and accounted this to their coyote blood. It was foolish. They spoke openly and she listened, recounting, ready to pick up any information betrayed by such loose mouths. Her eyes left the leader if only to follow each speaker in turn, silently, brooding despite the blank formality required for her position.

She shifted upon her horse and finally returned her gaze to the Aquila. “We shall send some of our own scouts and warriors to aid in this hunt,” she affirmed, speaking formally, speaking for the King as she had assumed the right to do. It was a blatant stretch of her own power, and one she held onto fiercely. “Tomorrow we will join your people and hunt down these dogs.” Still, she did not betray that they had suffered—and lost—heavily on their side. There was no need for her to speak when so much information openly flowed from Inferni’s own mouth.

“Once this camp is found, then a plan can be made. If that suits you, Aquila,” she added, and received a faint nod. Satisfied by this, the dark woman looked to her own companions and pulled on Hildr’s reins. She dipped her head to the leader before her. “Until tomorrow,” she bade farewell, and turned her horse. Their business, as she saw it, was concluded.

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