The sky is burning.

He tensed and so did she, the little fire tender and the rouge sailor stood together in stiff silence for several seconds. She didn't dare to move either or to take back her hand, sometimes her instincts were too strong for her to overcome. Her heart hammered in her chest, sure that he was going to reject her and reject the children growing inside of her. She could handle on her own maybe, she had Aniwaya to help but.. it would be easier with someone close to help. There was a single hitch in her breathing, if he didn't derail her thoughts quickly it would be the first of many.

His first reaction, to question was not comforting and the woman gave a little tug of her hand to see if he would let go, if he was going to push her away then she didn't want to touch him, didn't want to be so close to yet another man who would cast her aside like leftover scraps. Then suddenly something inside his brain seemed to connect and he smiled at her, it erased away her doubts and insecurities for now at least. Then he was falling over himself with ideas and helpful things and she smiled too, some of her tenseness fading as well, she even let her fingers wriggle in his grasp a bit, sharing in his excitement. Her voice was still quiet as she spoke,

"I have a blanket for them, from a good friend. But food would be appreciated, I'm still having problems." A tiny frustrated frown replaced her smile, she was less than pleased with the progress she was making towards an adept hunter, "They kick too, all the time." These lot were very active unlike the others she had given birth. Thinking of them made her sad and brought her thoughts back to Matteo, the man who the tribe assumed was the father,

"Frodo! You can't tell anybody they're yours. I was still mates with Matteo, if they found out I was unfaithful they would shun me and them, I don't want them to go through life feeling like I do, i want them to belong here." She hated to give him such bad news but it was necessary.

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