you are the last dragon
*nibbles on it!*
He had become so engrossed with looking at the cover designs of the books on display and spacing out at the same time that he didn't hear Asanotohl come up behind him. The only thing that drew him back to the present was her light and gentle touch. He stood rigid for a moment, not really sure just what she was getting at when she spoke and a thin smile spread across his face. “No, there's no clothes here,” aside from the ones on his back, “but there's probably a store around that has some.” At that point she let go of him and he turned slowly, trying to shake the awkward feeling that had seemed to fill the small space they were occupying. He wondered if something was coming back to her then, aside from having a comprehension of what she was able to read and not able to read.

“And I guess I could… never really tried to teach anybody how to wear clothes before though. It's pretty much straightforward when you see ‘em,” since obviously, their heads weren't going to fit down a pant leg or out an arm hole that easily. Kudos to anyone who actually got the job done though, aside from looking completely idiotic (and on the other hand, providing the author with hilarious imagery) something would dawn on them eventually. Lack of ability to talk and oxygen, maybe. “If you don't want to look around in here any more and see if the rain lets up any, we could probably go searching for a store somewhere.” Searching would be fun, but thinking about poor Asanotohl trying to pick out something to wear would be entertaining, at least on his end of things.

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