Give Yourself Some Time
OOC: / +400

Fayne was having an extremely hard time doing any kind of relaxing while her wound healed. She'd spent a day or two lounging around the den, licking her wounds to try and keep them clean. But, it was getting so very boring. They were healing slowly. Her arm felt stiff and it was hard to move it at all, if she had to move she had to limp. It was drudgery. She tossed her head and rolled around on her back on the soft mossy den floor, yelping playfully. She was trying to entertain herself in some way, she must look insane. She hadn't slept much. Every time she closed her eyes to sleep, Amy's chilling grin came to haunt her. Frightening memories of the blade digging into her flesh, the pain that she was feeling that whole time and she was helpless to do anything. So, she avoiding sleeping at all. She hoped things would settle soon, her mind was racing from sleep deprivation and she swore she heard the voices of old pack mates, uttering inaudible phrases to her.

A large yawn encroached, finishing up with a loud unnecessary wine. That's enough! The slender female propped herself up, using her three good paws to easily stand. Having three legs wasn't so bad. Noah, could walk fine with just three legs. Hell, he could even hunt! Her determination was unrivaled. Once lifted, she pounced her way out of the den. The light reaching her eyes for the first time in days. It took her a couple minutes to adjust to the brightness. A large breath was taken, sucking in all the scents of the forest and the fresh air. It was lovely. The small female made her way farther from the den, away from the border. She couldn't go anywhere near it. Once she felt she was far enough away from her prison, she plopped herself down and simply look out over the land. It was entertaining for a minute or two, but then she was bored again. She let out another long wine and tossed her head backwards. She desperately needed some sort of entertainment, or she might just go crazy.

What she really wanted to do was find someone who could teach her how to fight, now! She wanted to learn as soon as possible, not wasting any more time being as useless as she was. Though, there was nothing she could do in this condition besides sit on her rump and wait for the stupid wound to heal.

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table by Nat - textures courtesy of 3-sisters-stock


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