Stranger's Thanks
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Sorry for the wait Sad

A strong howl had called for her, and Ulilohi had spent only few moments finishing up before leaving the Great Fire and grant the stranger a chance to speak with her. The large beacon had not been roaring when she found it, but a quick supplement of proper firewood had sparked it up again, and the hot flames roared behind her as she left for the borders in long strides. Its sweet and spicey scents followed her for a long time, but she knew that even if she could not smell it, all she need to was to turn and look to the sky, and its plume of smoke would be clearly visible against the sky. Ulilohi found that she was sad that she could not refuel the fire herself, but it was almost as satisfying to call for Tiva to re-fuel it, and watch as she did so. Either way the presence of the fire and the warmth of its flames had put a lightness in her step, and the councilwoman reached the borders before she anticipated, lost in thoughts of the fire's sensory delights.

A stranger stood lone as she approached, one hand raised in friendly greeting. The giant wolfess was used to dwarfing most wolves she met, often - but not always - also males. It was refreshing to see the form of a male taller than her, though by very little. Still, he had a ways to go to match the scope of her own girth. She smiled broadly as she walked up to him, for once tilting her head upwards when looking at someone. "Unalihelitseti, stranger," she said, still smiling, and truly fascinated by his height. "What brings you to call for my attention?" It was only so much she could do not to flash her eye lashes at him, but she restrained herself. She was the councilwoman, after all, not some frivolous young one out for some fun. She sometimes wished that was not so, however.



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