M. Who are you judging anyway?
The great trading trip was over and done with and had stopped its wandering. Sebastian, on the other hand, hadn't. They hadn't spent a great deal of time in any of the packs they had stopped off in and, ever the curious creature, Sebastian was always interested in learning more. More, more, more. In this case, Sebastian wanted to find out more about certain individuals he had met on the trip. Two individuals, really- the handsome redhead Strelein and the other handsome male- Ahiga, hadn't it been? He didn't remember names that well.

Still, he could most certainly remember AniWaya. A while's travelling and here it was. Sebastian was clad in his new clothes- a reddish-pink shirt and black pants. It was somewhat at odds with the bow and quiver of arrows slung across his shoulders, though it went well with the satchel he carried across his shoulder. He no doubt made quite a spectacle from far off, this slender moving patch of pink and black.

The Italian reached AniWaya with little trouble, thankfully. It wouldn't do to show up all scuffed and rough. That impression worked well with some men, but not him. He was a creature of refined grace, after all, not one of those hulking brutes he so adored.

Sebastian had skirted the border delicately, wondering how he would approach this.

"Hello, handsome."

"I wanted to get to know you better."

"I promised Jazper I wouldn't have sex while on the trade mission, so here I am now!"

Not very smooth.

Sebastian spotted a fuzzy white body through the trees, a pretty fine ass obscured by black pants. Yes, that was definitely his pale beauty. Sebastian padded quietly behind him, his years of acrobatics and sneaking paying off as barely a whisper betrayed his presence.

Sebastian loomed over the crouching male's shoulder, looking into the pit inquisitively.

"Whatcha got there, handsome?"

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