Strange Face in Strange Lands

Iskata went through the role call of all the pack in the area, and Leland nodded attentively. He had a lot of exploring to do if there were so many. Perhaps one of them would accept a silly fool such as himself? But it would be a while before he settle on any one pack anyway, he needed to get a feel for the area still and the canines who inhabited it. He wasn’t sure he would settle in these lands, although he knew for a fact he would not return “home”. However if he did stay, he would join up with a pack or clan, Leland did not like being alone. He was a pack animal, perhaps it was deeply instilled in him because of his heritage. Even if he was the strange one in a pack, he doubted he could find any with true dogs in them, he would be happier with others than on his own.

Smiling and bowing slightly to the woman he shrugged. "You’ve told me everything I need." His bi colored eyes turned to the sky. How long had they been talking? It seemed to have been quite a while. Although Leland had no where in particular to go, he didn’t like to linger too long in anyone spot either. "I would say, Miss Iskata, that it’s time to part ways fer now. If I get a chance I will come vists you again though." If he stuck around is what he meant.


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