Medical Aid
An immediate smile brightened up Amy's face at the question. It seemed that the foolish female was growing wiser. She was by no means someone to give a gift to someone, even if that was one she knew, and someone Amy counted on her list of ones she could trust. If Amy needed something, Ayasha was one that would deal fairly with the dog. Briefly Amy dug through her purse before pulling out a couple sprigs of peppermint. Just enough to satisfy what was wrong.

Waving it back and forth lazily Amy considered the question. What would she want for it? Smiling Amy pointed a hand towards her stomach. I want to be there when they come. I can supply you with everything you need. Things for your morning sickness, medicine to ease your back, even herbs to ensure a healthy delivery, and a good production of milk. All I ask in return is to see them come. Amy wanted to watch it happen, be there to stake her claim on the newborn pups if she could.

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