Vinátta Information Portal

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Accepted Species : Vinátta is a non-discriminate pack who accept all species and treat all with fairness.

How to join: Create a new thread in this forum with your character approaching (but not breaching) the borders. Howl for a member of the pack to greet you. Threads should be marked [J] as the first word in the title!

OOC joining: Accepted, but joining ICly is preferred.

Pack Information

Icon Pack Colours: Mocha Brown (#8f6e4d) and Forest Green (#274e13)

Founded: May 18th 2012

Leaders: Saul Stormbringer , Lilin Soulstorm   &   Colibri Haki

Ranks: Vinátta’s ranks are based on the Nine Noble Virtues of the Astaru sect in Norse Mythology. Members will choose Paths that dictate their job in the pack. Members will start in the Risna rank, and be required to post 20 times before they are promoted to the Hollr rank, where they will then complete tasks regarding their chosen rank. Once these threads are complete, members will be promoted. An array of co-ranks are available to be earned by members as well.

Territory: Vinátta currently lay claim to a small portion of the Wabanaki Coast. Their three main territories include bits of the Grand Lake, the Commune of the Salmon and a stretch of the coastline. The Grand Lake and the surrounding areas have been identified as a good area to house horses and livestock due to the stables and farming areas still in tact. There is also a small vineyard close to the lake. Further south, Jordheim sits in the Commune of the Salmon, partially submerged domed houses that Vinátta use for their dens.

Culture : Vinátta’s culture holds heavy influence from Norse Mythology, where times were simpler. Farmers, traders, those who love to party and celebrate life will find solace in Vinátta’s borders. With a ‘medieval’ style village with aspects of self-reliance where there are means to make or grow most items. Vinátta boast the ownership of a large Vineyard and Brewery and will start to make their own alcohol for their own consumption as well as trade. While not an overwhelming aspect of Vinátta, as with all social structures they are interested in trade and use the Market Place for such transactions. All new members are greeted with a Welcome Pack to start getting them assimilated in the pack and are given a house in Jordheim if they choose. Within the Village Hall, an Almanac is constantly updated, giving an impartial record of events since Vinátta’s founding. Furthermore, within the Village Hall, a large map covers an entire wall and this is also constantly updated for all changes made to the pack. For more information, see our Culture Page


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