[M] oh, you will come
you don’t want to
wake the dragon, do you?

I think he will try to hurt her in next post if she goes to him? Man this guy is messed up. ;__;

He loved her face, the red stripe on her downcast muzzle, her seafoam gaze. Like in the beginning, he wanted to turn her chin up with a crooked finger and kiss her worries softly away.

You’re weak, André told himself. You’ve always been weak.

He curled his lip but averted his blood-colored eyes from her beautiful ones. He’d played the part of strength and defiance well enough, but in this most important of moments, it threatened to crumble. He’d had dreams about what he would do if he met her again; he’d imagined her in place of the whores he found on the road, pretending it was her back he was clawing open, her screams. He’d thought about her punishment a thousand times, each bloodier than the last, but at this crucial second his resolve weakened.

But then Omni spoke, her voice quiet but level and strong. His large ears flicked up as he turned toward her again, hands opening and closing at his sides. He listened lazily until she told him to shut up, and at that point the jackayote bared his fangs in warning. He was given a small triumph in that she looked away from him, but her words kept coming, and the pathetic statements rekindled his anger.

You were the only thing I loved, André snarled. You will not dare suggest I would act as you did. He loved her pretty face, but he didn’t mind rearranging it with his fist, not if she kept up like this. Sable hackles stiff at the nape of his neck, he stepped forward, his menacing posture making up for his lack of height—although he’d always been large for his species.

What the fuck else was I supposed to think? Putain! You passed out on some other man. He spat. You say you’re innocent, but how do you really know that? Everyone in that fucking room was on something; you didn’t know shit about what was going on. Hypocrite’s words, considering the alcohol eating away at his system ever since his father died. You can’t lie to me, Omni. You’re bad at it. I can see the shame.

He scowled at the thought of the engraved word. I was only giving fair warning for the next poor fils de pute you seduce. His nostrils flared again, and he caught the scent of another as he’d suspected. It was blended well, carrying traces of the clan, but it was there regardless. He thought that it would make him angrier that she had found someone else, but he had expected it.

Come here, André said suddenly, and his twisted face fell into a calm mask. Reaching out with an arm as if to pull her into an embrace, he spoke boredly. Come here or I’ll fucking kill you.

table by raze; image from wikipedia commons

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