on the sidelines

Hawthorn knew what to do; this the Marshal was certain about. He and the horse had been through many days together, and Alder figured at times that the horse knew him better then he even knew himself. It was a partnership that Alder believed many to have with another wolf and a friendship that he likely should have sought out in his own kind... But there was a comfort beside the horse, a quiet that none other could compete. He knew the words ‘Thorn wished to speak, just by the way he stood, walk and felt as the wolf sat atop his back.

With another rider accompanying them that movement was certainly different. Alder took a moment to adjust and did so easily and quickly. The horse took the weight without much trouble either and with no complaint in a low speech tone. Hati was not very heavy, Alder had calculated by a look, and without much tack and no saddle bags Alder figured it was what the horse had experienced in the past.

The midnight hued wolf moved, turning to look back at the Marshal. Alder smiled at him, and shook his head at the question. Not yet, you will know. There was bumps in the motion of the horse, but there was no doubt that Hati would notice the change when the older wolf chose to ask ‘Thorn to move faster. Together the trio walked away from the stables and pastures and to the large track. Hawthorn moved steadily and without pause or a shake of his head in respect for the new rider.

Once upon the track Alder gathered the reins bit tighter, and clicked his tongue at the stallion to tell him to giddy on up. The black horse knew, the silent language or experienced partners resonating deeply, and kicked up the pace so that they were no longer in a simple walk. The wind instantly tickled at their fur and the bump of the trot increased.


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