and this hearts still bleeding.
a beautiful, beautiful krysti table!

He wasted no time in finding her, and she grinned a familiar grin at him. Their mother was so clearly in her features, so vividly shining through her now grown features. Before, the innocence of youth had kept her from the brilliance of the Lykoi characteristics; tactful insanity, a cunning lust. She nodded her head at his words, but was quick to point out her child. "We've come home..." she clarified, a smile playing on her face. Her precious babes had been worth parting with Inferni, leaving her family to its own madness for a few months. "What's kept you busy as of late?" Curiously she tilted her head up to him, ears slipping forward to hear his response. "Feel free to come in Sammy, it's just me and the kids for right now. Stygian's finishing up some things before he comes home."


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