Trouble in Paradise


Out of character text here.

He glanced over at Sidra, wondering what she could possibly want. Fabrics were always useful, and wood and metal was what he came in for. His ears flattened down at her words. The scarred male knew exactly where to find what she was looking for. Those areas were dangerous though. He'd rather keep to areas that held more common items, ones that didn't have that high value. There was a lower chance of meeting her there.

Hadley followed her inside, letting the more bold canine take the lead. It was better this way. He was used to following. Shrugging Hadley studied the area. He didn't think anyone would keep alcohol here, it was too bright to trail through. He hadn't come across many canine scents in here either, so any food had probably gone bad. The whole reason why he came here was because it provided what he needed without the fear of being caught by others.

Sidra's expectant stare startled Hadley. Shifting from foot to foot he glanced around. Sighing he lead her to a place full of stuff. Maybe not what she was looking for, but stuff. It had lots of odd pieces in it, machinery, and funny liquids, and glass, and fancy chairs. There were some coats lying around as well, though most were too small for him. He glanced at Sidra, wondering if she would find what she wanted here.

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