Trouble in Paradise
Sidra followed Hadley as he led her through the building. Her eyes wandered everywhere hoping she might spot something interesting along the way. She had gathered a collection of useful items from doing just this but this place wasn't promising at all. Eventually, they came to a room that looked promising. There were a variety of items inside waiting for her to explore. But, nothing caught her eye right away. Nothing that she was looking for specifically. Maybe she was just gonna have to let Hadley go without making use of him, even with the trouble they'd caused each other. The calico female entered the room and started to rustle through the items. She walked around and eyed everything looking in every drawer or cupboard. What was she going to do with any of the machinery? Most of it was too heavy to carry and the rest she was clueless as to what it did. She searched through the jackets. She was fond of jackets, her fur being incredibly thin and long from her borzoi blood.

She came across one that caught her eye. It was a longer black leather coat that had buttons with some delicate and beautiful detail. Anything that someone put this much effort into making had to be worth something. She picked it up and tried it on looking in a mirror that hung on the wall. Smiling at herself she modeled, spinning around and eyeing herself in the mirror. Eventually she came to the conclusion that she looked awesome in this jacket. She glanced over at Hadley and smiled. "This is nice. Not really what I was looking for but it's something." She walked over to him and eyed the bags he had brought with him. "Isn't there some things you need? You should get them. Then maybe you can take me to where the good stuff is. I have a feeling you know the place." She gave him a cocky grin and exited the room waiting for a response.

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