Trouble in Paradise

Was there something wrong with Hadley? Curious eyes looked him over as his body twitched and ears flatted. Really? What was so wrong about this town that he couldn't enter enter any of these buildings if not for a few short seconds. Sidra slouched giving a sigh as she watched the wolf. He looked like he had just seen a ghost but the only one here was her. She wasn't scary...not once you got to know her. At least she didn't think she was. She could be if she wanted to, but that phase had passed for Hadley and now she was just being herself. He was submissive enough that she didn't have to prove anything to him anymore. Dark chocolate eyes gazed passed her at the shops she'd pointed out. It really wouldn't take that long and if anyone messed with her, they wouldn't want to anymore once they saw what she was capable of. Finally, Hadley answered in the smallest most pathetic voice she'd heard from him yet causing her to smile at him a laugh threatening to escape. But, she held it in politely.

Ears perked when he began to speak and she continued to cast her curious amethyst gaze on the large male. Her? Sidra gave a cocky chuckle. Whoever this her was they wouldn't stand a chance against her. In her mind, nobody has been through the things she has. She could take this her down easily. But the mention of this her sparked even more questions within the jaguar spotted wolf. "Hadley. You're scared of one woman? Pfsh." She chuckled again. He was seriously scared of one lone female. "Who is this her and why are you so scared of her anyways? What did she do to you? She can't be that bad that you don't think I would be able to handle her. Sidra tilted her head a cocky grin splayed across her jaws. Maybe she could figure out why he was so frightened now. Or maybe he would simply avoid the question all together. It didn't matter, she was going in and was gonna come out with what she wanted.

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