Trouble in Paradise

OOC I do the same thing sometimes. X3

Sidra couldn't help but feel a bit irritated. Nobody, and she meant nobody, ever saw her like this, unless they were Kativa, or Xander who had to deal with this constant behavior after they made their escape. As she walked, her lip curled back in an annoyed snarl. Her pace quickened not wanting Hadley to see her irritation, even if it was his fault. She didn't even know where she was headed, she just wanted to get away from this place. If Hadley was afraid of it, she should be as well. After seeing his array of scars that mimicked her own she felt a bit uneasy about this place. A slender neck turned to look behind her every now and then to gauge the distance between them and the city. When she felt the distance was appropriate she sat herself down under a tree and let her head fall against it and closed her eyes, a solemn sigh coming from her lips. One eye cracked open to see Hadley and she propped herself up remembering she wasn't alone. Her eyes wandered over his scars again, her eyes full of sympathy for him. Again, her arms tightened over her chest as her gaze directed elsewhere.

"Hadley, I can't help but be curious about those scars. Who was she to you? Don't start sputtering a bunch of descriptions. Who was she to you? Just stay calm and tell me, I promise I will keep it to myself." By that, she meant to ask if she was also a slave driver. The word was much to distasteful to say out loud but she had to know. She knew what it was like to have no control over your own actions. To be forced to do things you would regret the rest of your life. To live every day afraid of if you'll see the light of the next day. When the traffickers owned her, she spend most of her day held up in a cell with dozens of other women. They rarely got a fresh air, their reward being the time they spend with their customers. Sidra's hackles raised at the thought, she was overwhelmingly happy to be her own woman now, even if they had left permanent marks on her body and in her head. She glanced up at Hadley again, all the confidence from before was drained out of her. The thought that those men are still looking for her, just waiting to drag her back into the business was bone chilling.

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