[m] Heaven Sent
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

ooc: I'll add a table when I'm home later! Also, I marked this M because later on Orin will be having her puppehs. 500+

Lunenburg, the breezy coastal town that was a mark of beauty on the Cour des Miracles map… how fond Orin was of this town. She loved the sights of the once brightly colored buildings. Even though time had chipped and worn away the paint’s luster she could still imagine what this place once looked like. She adored the Victorian style architecture, the scalloped balconies and the pointed steeples. The salty scent of the sea was heady and crisp, blowing in from the waves nearby, and the intermingled sound of the breaking waves and sea birds reverberated peacefully off of the old buildings. It was that peace that Orin sought as she waddled through her pack’s lands and into the city.

Barely at the edge of town, she already felt at ease as she began to hobble down the familiar streets. She could remember the first time she had ever been here – she had been racing Niro northwards for fun and they had come across the town by happenstance. The next time she was here she had met with Mars and they dressed up and danced in the costume shop… she still had the golden ball gown she found that day. Yes, Lunenburg was serving to ease the anxious woman quite well.

Smiling softly, her hand dropped habitually to rest on her swollen belly. This was why she had been so nervous this morning, although she didn’t know it. She had carried this litter for a long time, but this time she had no midwife to help her track the days and her progress. It felt like she had been with child three times longer than last time, and she was ready to meet her children. But it seemed that she still had to wait.

Unconsciously, she wandered around the same block she once walked before with Mars. He was the reason she was in this situation, in fact. He was the father, and she didn’t mind it one bit despite how uncertain their future was. She did not know what would happen after the pups were born, where she would live or who she would live with, or for that matter how Mars or Bart would act. But all she really needed to know was that he wanted her there, he had told her he did, and that had been enough for her to leave d’Arte and become a part of the Court once again.

Blinking rapidly, Orin realized she was facing the dusty window of an old shop. Coming out of her reverie, her eyes skimmed the faded wording that once shone in brilliant gold. It was the costume shop again. A soft smile spread over her muzzle as she wiped off the glass to look inside – though it did no good since the filth was on the inside. The babies inside her wriggled, and she laughed softly.

“You like the shop, little ones?” She asked her belly. She took their wiggling to mean they approved, so she moved into the entryway and pushed the old door open.

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