[M]Play the Game
Alex smirked down. Alaki wasn't going to sleep anytime soon now. There were far more entertaining things to do after all. Especially with Alex there. They could play cards like he'd hoped. Or just bug one another until someone surrendered. He knew that Alaki didn't dream much. Mostly because he couldn't imagine Alaki dreaming when he slept dead to the world. Alex felt that a herd of wild caribou could be put through the room at times and Alaki wouldn't wake up. Not as long as he felt safe. Which was odd, considering how Alex usually slept better after doing something that almost got him killed. Perhaps it was the fact that it took the edge off. That must have been it.

Him? Snore? He most certainly didn't! At least, no one had told him he snored. Alaki wasn't exactly a trusted resource either. Again, slept like a rock. Surprising considering how easy it was for Alex to wake him up. I don't snore. You were loud enough to hear yourself. He grinned lopsidedly, poking at Alaki to emphasize his point. It was Alaki's snoring that did it. He snorted at the words. Stole his cave? I'm only here to make sure you don't get yourself half killed by a bear again. You need a bodyguard after all. He puffed himself up at the self given title. Face it. You need me around to keep you in shape. No one else would poke fun at the grumpy wolf, or put up with his manners. You owe me!

Slyly he looked down, winking at the samurai. How should I claim my payment?

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