Starlight in the mid of day
Iskata had been venturing out in the barnyard quite a bit lately. Her own cottage was just around the corner from the central farmstead that their livestock resided at and from her own front porch she could watch the mellow creatures grazing in the fields. She'd been exploring the barn and the pens around there, any day now she'd set out to capture the piglets from their den out in the woods. She had cleared out an old pen with shade in the barn and open roaming space out in the sunlight as well. One old apple tree's branches covered a large corner of the pen, giving shade and food for the pigs she planned on placing there. Everything was almost in place now.

Her eyes twinkled as she climbed up into the barn's loft and out of sight from the world for a moment. She soon found the swinging doors that exposed the sun to the old dried out hay in the building. She was surprised that the barn had stood so well in the times but she couldn't complain. The hay wasn't really salvageable but she'd learned how to dry out the grasses and store them for future use and she had no problem working. With a grin she threw out piles upon piles of old musty hay down to the edge of the meadow below, knowing soon enough the animals there would trample it into the ground if they didn't try and eat it first.

The cattle were already shambling her way as she was ridding the barn of the last few pitches of decaying matter. The sparkles of dried whisps of hay danced in the sunlight like little stars, making her smile at the sight. She shook the hay from her hair and perched on the edge of the loft's massive access doorway, looking down from world above to the beasts below. She felt at peace for the first time in a long time, this was home.

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