Isa came close, giving the still shocked male a quick kiss. This was definitely going to take time to adjust to. Stuffing the thoughts about the pregnancy as far back into his mind as he could the hybrid nodded at Isa's words, looking at the carved door again. It was a fairly simple design, but it gave a nice feeling to the house, he thought. Taking Isa's hand he walked up, pushing on the door. It swung open without a problem, no sign of the hinge repairs that he'd had to do. Relieved his tail wagged slightly, stepping all the way in.

Sharp eyes scanned the interior, looking over where he had done repairs. Patches in the wall where it didn't quite match everything else, the crooked stair railing, the simple furniture. Hadley hadn't had time to paint the walls with anything, even if he had been able to find paint. Everything was at the simplest level, untouched by the others. The large male moved over to let Isa look over the house, hoping that she would forgive the house's flaws and like it anyways.

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