Learning new tricks
[html] Not my best starting post, but hey what the heck lol

The Berwick orchard was as of yet not as well kept as the Crimson Dreams orchard, but Anu was already well on her way to making it another well groomed grove. Cassia attempted to help wherever she could, but the art of cultivation was new to her. She understood the concept for she had been educated on the subject in her youth, but the practices were new. For the first time in awhile Cassia wore nothing but her sword belt and her blade. The weather had been so pleasant today that she had decided her clothes and armor were not worth the effort of putting on. At sunrise she had buckled her belt around her waist and set about the days doings.

Sea green gaze danced around the orchard for any sign of Anu, Oak, or Cypress. She had patrolled their new homeland several times, keeping a watchful eye for any intruders. They were not on any pack's lands so the risk of unfriendly loners happening upon this little patch of paradise was everpresent. Now that her two patrols were complete she wanted to be put to work in some other way. If she found no one she would likely turn to practicing her fighting forms or going hunting.

The breeze that always seemed to flow through the orchard caught her mahogany mane which she had left hanging down her back. Her bangs swept briefly into her face only to be brushed back into place with a wave of her hand. The mocha ticked girl looked down each row of the small orchard and saw no one, oddly enough. A brief huff and a slight slump of her shouders displayed her disappointment as she resolved to practice her hand to hand combat. Leaving her sword in its scabbard, she assumed her starting stance, calmed her breathing, and began her rehearsed series of punches, kicks, rolls and various combinations. This would pass the time for now. [/html]

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