A single calling sound
[html] lulz

There was no secret about her love for gardens and fruit trees. Anu had never denied that she felt at home among them. As she was a pup her father tended an orchard, and when she returned to his side a few years into her life it was in the orchard that she found him lifeless. She had been grateful for the few weeks they had before he passed, and beneath a tree he had been buried. Among the trees she felt safe, close to his memory and close to her own heart. Though Crimson Dreams was gone, Anu had still found a piece of that sanctuary in the northern fruit tree plot.

She felt the touch of Tayui’s hand, and her breath was caught in her throat for a single moment. Anu exhaled, allowing the fingers to entwine among her own and the palm touch the warmth of the white hand. Their steps fell together, and Anu let her mind happily wander to the female’s voice.

The soft smile brought on by the touch of her hand, grew. Anu turned to take a glance at her face, noting the smile and returning with a grin of her own. The feeling is mutual then? She replied, looking up to see if there were any fluttering beasts flying from one tree to the other. Her features softened, the grin easing back to the gentle smile that came from her heart's contentment.


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