the battle between good and evil
a beautiful, beautiful krysti table!

As soon as she heard the sounds of his approach and her eyes caught sight of him, she launched herself in his direction, forgetting for the moment the slumbering pile of fuzz behind her, forgetting for a moment that she was lonely without Stygian, that she felt isolated in this new land, that things were not as perfect as she had expected them to be. All she could think in that moment was that there was her brother, grinning, happy to see her, and the worry he would be angry melted away. She expected him to be hurt over her leave, but she had an irrational fear that he would hold a grudge against her. That was not how he worked, and she knew better. She skidded into him, tail wagging rapidly as she made the desperate attempt to not seem like a waif at his side. He towered over her, and had always, but it didn't matter for the moment because all she wanted was the only hug she could offer him in this form. A happy sigh escaped her maw and she closed her eyes, breathing in the deep scent of him, this primal fount was so much more real than the wisps of his scent that made up their borders. "I missed you...." She said weakly, for a brief second angry with herself that it was best she could come up with to start with.


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