What Is Written Cannot Be Unwritten
Although Aranck had disparaged being one of the only members to speak AniWayan in AniWaya, he was glad that there had been someone before him to start putting together some semblance of records. But the person that had done it, Ralla, had apparently disappeared. So he took it upon himself to finish her work.

What he had decided to start with was the history of the Great Tribe. This was something that he knew well, having been told it since he was a small boy. He was born only a generation or so after the humans were wiped out. So he knew the Tribe's history quite well. And in many ways, the history of the Great Tribe was the history of AniWaya. So it was important that he wrote this down.

He took some birch bark and some pieces of charcoal. He then settled near the ceremonial fire with Dega sitting not too far from him. He frowned thoughtfully as he considered what to write. He knew that he should start at the beginning. He also would do it in English since he was one of the few here that could read and write AniWayan. The Great Tribe came to be after the fall of the humans." He nodded. That should do. So he continued carefully, making sure what he wrote was accurate and understandable.

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