a spark and a bit of sulfur

but i love raze "crap" |: <3

Word Count → 313

The moment before the bird had taken flight, she was distracted by the sounds of a creature; it was large by the noises its feet were making, and wondered for a moment what it could be. But, the shuffling of feathers brought her attention away from the footsteps, and launched the arrow at the bird that had tried to escape. On target, it fell to the ground, though with not as much finesse as the woman would have wanted it to be. But, then again, she had no idea that the bird was there, and her mind went back to what had originally disturbed the creature.

“Who’s out there?” she called out, picking her way towards were the grouse had been shot, her steps as quiet as if she was still hunting. If the thing that flushed the bird was a beast, it would either run, being a deer or some other hooved animal and would fled if the arrow did not scare it, or attack her, Alyssum knowing the dangers that haunted these woods. She had quickly drawn another arrow and pressed it lightly against the string, ready to launch it at whatever force that would oppose her.

But, as she rounded the tree, she instead found a golden male, glinting in the dappled rays of the sun, and directed her weapon down a bit, though kept it pose, being the paranoid woman she was. The unknown canine was in his secui form, and if he decided to, would put up a good fight if he decided upon it, for whatever reason; not many needed an excuse to attack without provocation. “Greetings, there. I would have to thank you for the bird, I guess—I don’t think I would have found it otherwise,”she murmured, wary, unsure if the boy was friendly or not. “My name is Alyssum de Fonte; what say you?”

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to Olli38

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